Friday, 23 May 2014

Singapore Sling

This is a blog post with a difference as this is coming to you live from sunny Singapore! Yes, so as not to disappoint you loyal readers I've taken the blog abroad and thought I'd give you an Asian flavour for a change. Obviously with a forestry theme in mind of course!

Unfortunately I'm struggling with my memory on my tablet so I'll have to do it proper when I get back.

For something quick though how about a new idea that I saw walking through the park just this afternoon...

Turn your fallen tree into a mature garden display! May not be ideal in the parkland but how about in the gardens?

If anyone's interested on a Traveller's Tale visit my other blog for further eccentricity, here:

See you there!!

Monday, 21 April 2014

Skeletons in the Closet - Osteology? That’s Bones and Stuff Init? (2)

Bonjour all and sorry for the delay in posting part two of the Osteology blogs. It’s been over a month since the last post I’ve actually completely forgotten how I was going to continue this so I’ll have to mudge through it and hopefully come up with some kind of coherent article.

FYI I have the Blues Brothers soundtrack in the background as I write this for all you talented musical viewers out there. Heck, I don’t even know if anyone gives a hoot what I listen to but I’m gonna tell you anyways!
Anyhoo, I digress… Actually I find myself writing that quite a bit so I think I might coin that as my catchphrase for the blog. I guess that’s what happens when I write off at a tangent. Hmmm, now where was I?

Hang on a minute… brb…

We'll be back to our feature presentation momentarily...
Right, on with the show so to speak…

First off, the mystery bone. You didn’t think it was going to be easy did you? I was contemplating stringing this out until I get at least one comment or guess but to be honest I’ll probably forget by the time I write the next post.
For those newbies who may be jumping in at this post here’s a reminder:

So this was the bone (left) that I asked people to see if they knew what animal this was…oh and a bonus point if they knew the bone too!

The animal in question is actually a Shrew; or common shrew to be precise. To be ultra-precise here’s the latin name too:  Sorex araneus. Unfortunately I don’t have a scale (should have thought of that when I took the photo) but the entire length of the bone is about the same size as your thumbnail. Pretty small, huh?
Incidentally the bone in question is the mandible or jawbone. I know it’s probably obvious but for those who weren’t sure there you go. If you’ve skipped the previous post so you could get the answer; shame on you and don’t cheat next time!!

Moving on, as mentioned previously I’ll write a little bit about my latest bone report to give you an idea of what’s involved and what I look at; aside from a big box of bones!

Usually the bones are separated out into their individual contexts; a context being a distinct layer within a particular feature (i.e. post-hole, ditch etc). The context can also be relating to a trench, like in this case.

Like the photo to the right, each context has a number of animal bones associated with it. However bear in mind that not all contexts have bones in them, which I usually make a note of too. Noting what’s there is just as important as what’s not there!

To start with once I’ve emptied the bones out into a cleanable surface I tend to group them according to species or at the very least a general group (e.g. small mammal or bird bones). As you can see I’ve already begun to separate this context out, with large mammals on the right hand side.

Now that we have them roughly grouped as in the photo to the left, the next step is to identify the individual elements (or bones) just for simplicity more than anything else.

There’s nothing worse than starting to input the data and finding near the end that you have an extra sheep metacarpal and you have to go back waste time editing a previous entry! It probably doesn’t sound too bad but if you have to keep re-editing entries it can get very tiresome!!

Often I’ll have a little pile of unidentified bones too. These can be anything from long bone fragments to tiny splinters and other things that you just can’t identify because of the size and type of fragment.
Sure you could sit there for hours wading through the reference material and identifying every last bone fragment but it just isn’t practical within the time limits. Depending on how badly fragmented the contexts are I’m happy if the unidentified material ends up at about 10% of the total assemblage.

After that it’s just a simple matter (hahaha! Simple indeed, I make it sound sooooo easy!!) of inputting the various pieces of information into the database. Data such as species, element and context are fairly obvious but also things like butchery evidence and other environmental data are also considered.
Depending on what the person who’s asked me to do the report wants I can be as detailed or as basic as it needs to be. For example the basic information for the bone on the right would be: sheep scapula (shoulder blade), along with context data and no obvious signs of butchery. A more detailed analysis would include the side of the body (left hand side), bone completeness (about three-quarters whole) and probably environmental factors.

Once all the data has been put into the database, which may take several days depending on the size of the assemblage, I summarise the information and look for any patterns or anything of interest. Patterns could be anything that stands out, for example if a particular context contains lots of pig humerii or an unusual species… say if there was a zebra bone in the sample or something. Not that I actually know what a zebra looks like, not without a hell of a lot of research anyway!

What's Up Doc?
No the above bone isn’t a zebra bone just in case you thought it was! It’s just a random photo I threw in at the end. In fact it’s a……

Continuing the musical note (boom, boom) the final song was Back in Black by AC/DC! Not Blues Brothers I know but still a movie, guess which one!!

Until next time

Monday, 10 March 2014

Skeletons in the Closet - So You Want to Be an Osteoarchaeologist? (1)

Greetings all, after a long break I’m back blogging! Unless of course you caught the preview from last week, then you can skip this first paragraph.
Actually I thought I’d take a break today and fill you in on what I’ve been up to that’s taken me away from here for a while. In case you’re wondering, I really do have skeletons in my closet! True they’re not actual fully articulated ones but a collection of bagged bones, but nevertheless they currently sit at the bottom of my wardrobe.
So just for starters here’s a little mystery bone; see if you can guess the bone and what animal it’s from…

It's a mystery...
In case you’re thinking of cheating and scrolling down to find the answer, I won’t be posting it here. I’ll save it until the next post! Unless of course you stumble on this blog years from now, in which case you would already have it. Obviously.

Moving on, every now and then I get tasked to analyse the osteological remains from archaeological sites to help add to the overall understanding of the area. If I’ve lost you already, basically I look at them ol’ bones! Most of this work comes from CAFG (Cambridge Archaeological Field Group - and the latest was a couple of boxes that revealed some interesting finds.

More on that next time though. Yes it’s going to be another two-part blog post having just decided to stretch it out a bit. Might be a bit of a squeeze to fit it all into one post and I like to keep them fairly short so you faithful readers aren’t falling asleep by the time you get to the bottom!
So what will I ramble on about now? Brambles?? Actually, no, I just thought it rhymed well… or maybe a future post perhaps! Anyways, as usual, I digress.

Instead how about a little intro into the wonderful world of osteoarchaeology; where things aren’t as simple as they seem when it comes to species identification.

Baa baa black sheep...
Rule number one: When is a goat not a goat? When it’s a sheep! Goats and sheep are difficult to identify when looking at just their bones as there are only a few indicators in their skeletons to separate them apart. Since rarely do you get pristine skeletons of animals handed to you then you can imagine how hard it could be with just a bag full of bones.

These on the left are of course sheep... erm, not quite sure what species. Black ones I guess, which reminds me of the old nursery rhyme 'baa baa black sheep'. No it's not racism like most people think but rather that black wool was a more valuable commodity than white wool during Medieval times, hence the line "have you got any wool"...

Stylised skull (cos I didn't have a real one!)
Rule number two: Humans are complicated creatures. Yep, when it comes to human remains there’s nothing simple about it. Naturally in dealing with any human bone great care has to be taken and also it does tend to slow up an excavation site somewhat. Not that it’s a bad thing of course; all respect for whoever it may be is applied.

I remember having to wear latex gloves when handling human remains for this very reason, and occasionally because of the fragility of the bones. You also get a sense of the past handling them, an unusual feeling that’s hard to put into words… mystical? That’s why I prefer to stick to the animal side of osteo; less complications and an extensive variety of animals to identify. True there’s millions if not billions of species on the planet, but hey, you gotta start somewhere right?

Obviously I’m only scratching the surface on the field of osteoarchaeology, there’s a whole lot more to explore if you find it as fascinating like I do. Musing on the simplest way to attack the subject, I think I’ll start with the domesticates.

Confused already? It’s the main domesticated species of animals that are most commonly found across the UK. Since we have Wimpole Home Farm here (see, I bet you were wondering how all this was relating to the Wimpole Estate!) then I think it would be most appropriate given the types of animals seen here.

John on a foggy morning
So what am I talking about? Cows, pig and sheep (or is that goats?) are the main domesticated animals and to a lesser extent; horses. Speaking of horses we have some lovely Shire horses on the Home Farm, seven in fact, often seen in the surrounding fields. That’s not counting the forestry horse, John, who’s been hard at work extracting timber for collection (see here for more details).

The rest of these can also be seen at Wimpole; from the piggery on the farm (no not the staff room!) to the parkland in the summer with the rare breed cattle and sheep.

After that little shameless plug, I’ll get to the point. The obvious difference between these species is the size; cattle being the largest of the three, then pigs and sheep at the bottom. Of course size isn’t everything because a small cow can have similar sized bones to a large sheep! It gets even more complicated when you take into account the juveniles and all the varied breeds of each species. Not easy…or is it?

Juveniles are generally simple to separate out in that the bones are usually more porous in touch and often appearance. If you have a long bone (part of a limb; i.e. femur) then either end will likely be unfused or have a crinkled surface not unlike that of an orange (right).

How about the rest then, how to tell the difference between species? Aside from a great deal of learning and experience, the key comes down to the little morphological differences that differ between animals. To illustrate this here are pelvic girdles from two similar animals; the rabbit and the hare:

Both of these look almost identical and it’s almost like playing a game of spot the difference! There are a number of subtle differences at various aspects but the most tell-tale sign is in the socket (acetabulum) where the ball of the femur sits; as shown. Oh and by the way, colour doesn’t come into it if you were thinking of that! The elements can make a huge difference to bones not the least the colour so it kinda gets discounted, sorry.

This ends part one, with a flavour of what it’s like to analyse animal bones and this is the simple version! Just out of interest, if anyone does have any animal bones they would like me to have a look at I’m always open to having a look. Like I say when I analyse bones, I enjoy the challenge of new material so feel free to make me think!!
Seriously though if you have anything then you can get hold of me through the blog or at NT Wimpole Estate.
Medieval ridge and furrow at Wimpole Hall

Monday, 3 March 2014

Skeletons in the Closet (preview)

Yes, I'm back in blog land after a lengthy hiatus! I had planned to carry on immediately after Christmas but several things kept getting in the way. Nonetheless I'm back to continue the Wimpole experience.

Gee grandma, what small teeth you have!

As I've still got to finish writing the next post, and when I say finish I mean write a bit more than the first paragraph, I thought I'd post a little preview to let you all know what I've been up to since the festive period.

Yes I really do have skeletons in the closet too, as my wardrobe has bags of animal bones at the bottom (don't worry they're old and for archaeology so perfectly safe). Oh, by the way expect this opener in the main article too!!

Ending on a funny note though, check out youtube clip about the new NT leaked advert, very funny... at least I thought so!